Someone You Should Know – Sarah Emmerick

Though not as well-known or widely-recognized as the players, coaches, or even the mascot, the Bradley pep band is an essential aspect of every game. Reporter Deanna Cantu talked with one of its members, Sarah Emmerick, in the first edition of Someone You Should Know of 2019.

Visual Voices – Janet Ballweg

Bradley’s Visual Voices seminar series continued last Thursday with a talk hosted by Janet Ballweg. Reporter Rachel Masloske talked with the artist to learn more about her art.

Say “Guten Tag” to the German Culture Club

Bradley’s German Culture Club is a student-led organization that caters to anyone interested in learning more about German culture, regardless of whether they speak the language or not. We talked with club president Kayleigh Spain to learn more about it.

Interview – Trevor Baty from “Silent Sky”

Bradley’s theater department returns this semester with another play, this time focusing on the true story of trailblazing astronomer Henrietta Leavitt. We talked with the play’s director, Trevor Baty, to find out more about the play.