Live Interview – Ashleigh Owens in “Sense and Sensibility”
Sheridan Hurtig talks with one of the actresses in Bradley’s newest play, “Sense and Sensibility.”
Senior Bucket List – The Rock Wall
Joey Scimo is back with yet another installment of the Senior Bucket List. This week, he tackles the infamous rock climbing wall at the Markin Center, and (kind of) succeeds.
Campus Convos – Endgame Edition
Jade Sewell returns with a new installment of Campus Convos. This week, students make some snap decisions about their favorite Avengers ahead of the release of Endgame.
Hilltop Films Prepares for Premiere
Bradley’s student-led short film production club, Hilltop Films, is holding a live premiere event this Monday. BUTV News has an exclusive look at the four films that will be shown at the event, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at what’s currently in production.
Visual Voices – Laura Holzman
The Visual Voices lecture series welcomed Laura Holzman to Bradley’s campus to talk about art history. Jacob Hicks has more.
The Science of Climate Change
Last Tuesday, Bradley hosted Dr. Jeanie Bukowski to deliver a talk about global climate change. Jacob Hicks talked with her to learn more.
Students Test Their Cultural Knowledge
Bradley’s Global Scholars program held a special game night for students to test their knowledge of world cultures. Joshua Blake has more.
Bradley Alum Returns to Give Students Financial Advice
Bradley alum Mateusz Kozarek returned to Bradley’s campus last Monday to deliver a talk on financial planning. Nelson Gutierrez talked with him to learn more.