Dr. Cory Barker
BUTV’s Caylie Chattin talks to Assistant Professor Dr. Cory Barker about the film studies minor and the COM Connect series.
BUTV’s Caylie Chattin talks to Assistant Professor Dr. Cory Barker about the film studies minor and the COM Connect series.
Madalyn Mirallegro breaks down the recent Morbius trailer.
Our reporters figure out as to why the squirrels are so friendly here on campus.
BUTV”s Aiden O’Donnell asks students what they think about the recent Hollywood and John Deere strikes.
Bradley’s PR Capstone team,Oasis, raises awareness about fast fashion.
Our musical guest Emma Anastasia.
The talent and crew dressed up to celebrate the holiday.
Campus Convos reporter Anna Haage went around campus to ask students some Halloween questions.
BUTV’s Elizabeth Breneiser talks to Becca Miller about ACBU.
Aiden Conklin is one of many students at Bradley talented in the fine arts.