Speech Team

Bradley Speech Team headed to their nationals last weekend. They had a show beforehand called Night Before Nationals.

Big Idea Competition

Students were able to provide an idea of their choice that good make a change in the school. Visitors were able to choose the winning big idea.

Sigma Delta Tau

Sorority Sigma Delta Tau hosted a s’mores event for students interested in Greek life to attend.

Hartman Center

The Bradley art center opens a new art gallery featuring video games.

SAE Interview

Reporter Olivia Claussen interviewed the Society of Automotive Engineers about their upcoming car show.

Ukraine War Event

Bradley hosts a panel the students and local Peoria members can come join to learn about the Ukraine War.

Visual Sounds

Visual Sounds hosts an event with a Graphic Designer to learn more about her and her experience.

Hollywood Semester

Two previous BUTV news crew members take over on this episode to talk about their experiences in Hollywood.


The heating air and conditioning hold their monthly meetings to talk about business connections.