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The Hardin Circle of Pride

Bradley’s latest landmark was unveiled last month at the annual founder’s day ceremony. The Hardin Circle of Pride is a collection of flags just beyond the alumni quad. The project was donated from alumni and a collection of area businesses. The flags will be kept up year round, but will be changing based on events […]

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Bradley is Ranked 8th in The Nation

Bradley has received yet another high honor. This time, Bradley is being recognized for its student engagement. The inaugural Wall Street Journal/Times higher education college rankings were released last week. Bradley is ranked eighth in the nation for student engagement according to the rankings. The rankings released incorporated results from a survey of 100 thousand […]

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Bradley’s Pre-Law Center Hosts President of the Illinois State Bar Association

If you’re interested in entering a legal profession, Bradley’s pre-law center is hosting attorney Vincent Cornelius, President of the Illinois State Bar Association for a reception tomorrow. Cornelius will be addressing the future of the legal profession and some of the many opportunities and challenges of the legal world. Students also will be able to […]

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Hispanic Heritage Banquet

This Saturday, October 1st, the association of Latin American students at Bradley will be holding the seventh annual Hispanic Heritage Banquet in the Hayden-Clark alumni center in honor of Hispanic heritage month. The banquet will feature dinner, a performance by the salsa club, and a live dj at the end of the evening. The banquet […]

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Entertainment News 9/28/16

Bradley University got a spooky name-drop last week! Last week on the popular FX show, “American Horror Story: Roanoke”, one of the characters revealed to the audience that he was a professor from Bradley University. The fictional character is Dr. Elias Cunningham who is conducting research on a pair of murdering sisters for a true […]

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The Agency Encourages You to Vote

As we all know, it’s an election year. 40 days stand between today and November 8th, but voting from here on campus may not be that easy. Bradley University’s advertising club, The Agency, is teaming up with the Peoria elections commissions to encourage voters to take advantage of early voting and vote-by-mail. The Agency is […]

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Former U.S Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle Coming to Campus

Next Monday, October 3rd, former democratic U.S Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle will be on campus. Daschle will be speaking about a book he co-authored with former republican U.S Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. The book is titled “Crisis Point” and discusses how to fix America’s broken political system and highlights principles that can restore America’s […]