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Starting a Small Business In Illinois Workshop

The workshop “starting a small business in Illinois” returns to the Peoria-next innovation center. All individuals are invited to learn about how to start a business in Illinois and the proper steps to legally register. The workshop will be held Tuesday, October November 8th from 3 to 6 p-m at the Peoria-next innovation center on […]

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Entertainment 10/26/16

Happy 20th anniversary, Latina magazine!
The magazine is celebrating its platinum anniversary with a photomosaic of none other than the legendary, Selena Quintanilla, the mosaic is made up of the 20 most impactful, influential Latina covers over the past two decades. Latina magazine was the first in its space and quickly became a pioneering force for […]

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New Guidelines For Opioids

The American college health association announced earlier this week that there are new guidelines for prescribing opioids in college communities. The ACHA is the principal advocate and leadership organization for college related health. Opioids have become a more serious problem as there has been a rise in prescribed pills. According to the center for disease […]

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Bradley’s Visiting Writer Series

Bradley’s visiting writer series will be hosting a poetry reading next Wednesday from featured authors Allison Joseph and Jon Tribble. The visiting writer’s series is a well-established program sponsored by Bradley’s English department that brings both emerging and established writers to campus. While here, the authors read their works, speak with classes, and meet with […]

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A Self-Defense Capstone Project Helps The Community

As a part of a capstone project, a group of Bradley’s students is looking to help girls in the community. Along with the boys and girls club of greater Peoria and Kuk Sool Won of Pekin comes “Girls growing together”…a free young women’s empowerment event that will feature a self-defense class and self-esteem workshop. These […]

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Sports 10/19/16

The Bradley women’s volleyball team had a rough week, winning only 2 of the past 11 sets.
On Friday, the braves were swept in 3 sets as they faced off against northern Iowa. The panther’s diverse attacked allowed their hitters to attack the braves with unpredictable accuracy as they racked up 50 kills. Bradley’s hitters on […]

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Footsteps Event Helps Students Figure Out Their Career Path

If you’re a student that may not be sure what you want to do with your life, you’re invited to footsteps informational meeting tomorrow afternoon. Footsteps provides students with the opportunity to shadow industry professionals to possibly help guide your career path. While footsteps is primarily for students in the academic exploration program, all students […]