A Gift That Keeps Giving

Recent hurricanes have spurred a shortages across certain states for medical resources. Last week, Red Cross implored Braves to donate a gift of life-saving importance.

American Sign Language Club Hosts “Silent Night”

American sign language is a method of communicating visually with those who are deaf or hard of hearing. “Silent night” is an ASL club event in which members of the group communicate exclusively through sign language for one night.
Inquire more about the group at bradleysignlanguage@gmail.com

Lydia Gets a Makeover

Watch students unleash their creativity in the name of school spirit! The homecoming tradition of painting wooden cutouts of Bradley’s founder has become a fast favorite, as explored by BUTV this week.

A Legendary League Comes to the Hilltop

League of Legends is a role-playing video game with a massive fanbase. It is currently one the highest grossing sports in the nation and part of its ever-growing community has just found a home on the hilltop.

The Homecoming B? It’s Lit!

Bradley University welcomes all of it’s new and returning Braves with a big, bright, bang. As cool kids say, “It’s LIT!” at the annual lighting of the B and Ben Pollard guides us through all the sights and sounds.


BU Clean Up Crew

These students don’t mind getting down and dirty. They’ve taken matters into their own hands to give our streets a fresh face.

Off the Cuff Kittens

Laughter abounds when the kittens come to town. Their latest show confirmed this as they split sides showing Bradley what improv is all about. President Trevor Batey discloses that there is still need for growth, and shares his plans for troupe’s future. All students are welcome to join their public rehearsals every Wednesday at 10:30pm.

Peoria Welcomes New Citizens

Over 650 steadfast people became U.S. citizens under the roof of the Renaissance Coliseum. The monumental ceremony featured moving speakers and cheering family all gathered in honor of the great achievement.

Service on Sauturday

If you’re unfamiliar with Service on Saturday, BUTV sent Thomas Pickering to last weekend’s outing to get a closer look at the work they do in the community and share how students can help out.