Bradley Music Department Hold Doris J. Kolb Women in Music Concert Series
Talented female musicians took the stage at Dingledine Music Center for the Doris J. Kolb Women in Music Concert Series.
Talented female musicians took the stage at Dingledine Music Center for the Doris J. Kolb Women in Music Concert Series.
Triota Honors Society held an ice cream social for their first meeting of the year, where members and those interested in joining could learn more about the society.
Bradley held a political campaign and legislative internship expo where students could learn about possible political internships and jobs.
ESA has started their recruitment process for the Fall Semester.
The Society of Automotive Engineers held a car show last Saturday, including a best in show contest, food trucks, and more.
The Bradley University chapter of Active Minds held a Ribbon Fundraiser to raise awareness for Suicide Prevention Initiatives.
ACBU hosted their first ‘Dive In’ of the semester at the Markin Swimming Pool, featuring the movie “Jaws”.
Bradley’s Black Student Alliance hosted the annual Black student mixer at the Garrett Cultural Center.
BBQ Kitten hosts their first open rehearsal of the semester.
PC and Electronics Club is having a good start to the year.