Women’s club soccer team
The women’s club soccer team hosts a fundraiser in the student center.
The women’s club soccer team hosts a fundraiser in the student center.
Dr. Stephan Banning takes part in the communication department’s com connect program.
Bradley’s softball teams take a double hitter with Illinois State University.
Bradley’s baseball teams takes a hitter with Dallas Baptist.
FUSE is an interactive media program for students join where they can use their creative mind. FUSE is having their yearly FUSE production at Riverfront Museum on April 30th.
Shaun Tornilla -I Don’t Mind
Stephanie Melgoza, a student a senior, receives 28 years in prison after an arrest on DUI charges, two fatal, and possession.
The Garrett Week is celebrated with a talent show BSA held for students to join.
The Bradley nursing program receives money to upgrade its program for students.
SHPE has a tabling event in the student center for students to learn about SHPE and enjoy some treats.