Blog Archives

2 Sides, Same Coin

May 8, 2018

Group projects are the black sheep of assignments in school for a myriad of reasons. The primary one being the uncertainty of putting your grade in the hands of your classmates. An even more detrimental problem arises for minority students who attend predominantly white institutions. Jordan Wallace, a senior television arts major at Bradley...

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Amber Williams: Living in the Spotlight

April 5, 2018

By Aamir Mitchell Superstar Athletes, popular musical artists, anyone famous really, eventually gets tired of being the center of attention after so long. Ever since she was 10 years old, Amber has been the focus of every room she’s ever walked in.   The attention she gets is inherently different than anything experienced by...

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The Art of Parties #BUCOM360

November 20, 2017

Partying has been a form of art since the times of Ancient Greece. Partying is a true form of expression for a lot of people in society today. People live for the nights and days they get to go out and let loose. Partying has the ability to keep people sane, taking these people...

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lit. books on fire Promotes Positivity with New Storefront

October 12, 2017
lit. books on fire  Promotes Positivity with New Storefront

Every First Friday of every month, the Peoria community comes together to promote and support the local businesses that surround them. One of the “new” businesses on the block has come with a message they’d like to spread. That message is visible the moment anyone walks into Jessica Stephenson’s bookstore, lit. on fire used...

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Gun Violence in America – 2023


Background It has been zero days since the last mass shooting occurred in the United States. According to the Gun Violence Archive, a not-for-profit...

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