Welcoming a New Daye

April 20, 2022

By: Kaity Johnson & Shawn Goldring

Beaming with pride, Bradley University Student Body President Elect, David Daye proclaimed, “being elected is one of the greatest honors of my life, I cannot wait to serve and advocate for my peers.” On Friday, April 1, 2022 Daye, was elected to serve the students of Bradley University for the 2022-2023 academic year. Student Body President, a role revered by both students and administration alike, is full of responsibility and reward. However, this coming academic year, it seems his term will include some unprecedented challenges. 

In November of 2021, the Bradley Senate impeached their former president, Erin Bousek, after multiple charges and impeachment hearings. The Bradley Scout covered the full impeachment trial, detailing the charges and proceedings. Once Bousek was impeached, the student body erupted with questions and concerns, confused on what was taking place within the senate. Throughout his presidency, Daye will face an uphill battle of regaining student trust in not only the position of the president, but the whole senate as well. 

Lame Duck Student Body President, Emma Hoyhtya explains, “He will have to work on improving the image of the senate to the student body…As for gaining back trust, it’s going to be hard work.”  Hohyta served as the 2020-2021 Student Body President, and then was thrust back into the role after Bousek’s impeachment. Hohyta furthered, “David is a wonderful human being and I’m excited to see where he goes. Though I’m terrified for him because I’ve been through the ringer the past couple of years [in this position], but it is a rewarding experience.” 

For most Bradley students the impeachment was a shock, but to Daye it was a harsh reminder of what could have been.  Bousek defeated Daye in a runoff election for the presidency in March of 2021, during his first run. “Losing the presidency the first time was a big blow – I thought I had done everything right,” Daye explained. Daye released an official response to the impeachment on his Instagram, equally sharing the frustrations of the student body. Through disappointment, Daye remained resilient in the face of defeat knowing he still had a passion for the job and wanted to give it one more try.  Luckily for him, the student body could see his commitment to the role, helping him capture over half of the votes in the 2022 election.

To Daye’s advantage, it seems he is starting off strong with student supporters and advocates, who are excited to see what he will bring to the table as president. Junior, Mallory Clark shared, “I’m excited to see what David will accomplish. He seems really dedicated and knowledgeable. If he can’t make Bradley a better place – I don’t think anyone could.”  https://youtu.be/Uk8ZVBvpRHI

Sharing Clark’s same optimism and excitement is Sophomore, Joseph Cyrus, who shares, “I would like to see him provide more transparency between student government and Greek life. I am very confident in the senate’s abilities under David’s leadership because he is for the people. He cares about what people have to say. I have no doubt that he and his administration will do what’s best for the student body.” 

However, not all Bradley students share Cyrus and Clark’s same optimism for the coming year. Junior, Brandon Luisi, who didn’t vote in the election said, “I would like to see representation of what the student body wants. And relatively I’m confident in the Senate’s  ability. However I feel like a lot of students at Bradley don’t care about the election and or the senate. They’re just there to go to classes, get their degree and get the hell out… At least that’s what I’m there to do.”

Hoyhtya offers parting advice to Daye saying, “Being in that position [student body president], where there’s so much responsibility and yet little positive response…you really have to fill yourself up with your own self-confidence in the role.” Daye will be able to take this advice and start enacting change soon, as he will be sworn into office Monday, May 2, 2022 in the Bradley University Garrett Center at 5 p.m. 

Before he is sworn in Daye wants every student to know, “I thank you all for trusting me with this position. I am ready to serve you all and help build Bradley to be the best version I believe it can become.” Hear more from Daye about his plans for the upcoming academic year in his video interview, as he begins working to foster brighter Day(e)s at Bradley University. https://youtu.be/5GlyPEj98c4 

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