Daily Archives: May 4, 2017

Bradley Students Partner with BUPD During SAAM

May 4, 2017
Bradley Students Partner with BUPD During SAAM

Sexual violence occurs when someone is forced or coerced into unwanted sexual activity without agreeing or consenting. Reasons someone might not be able to consent include: Fear, being underage, having an illness or disability, and incapacitation due to alcohol or other drugs. Unfortunately, One in five women will be a victim of completed or...

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Best Buddies Mission for Inclusion

May 4, 2017
Best Buddies Mission for Inclusion

Maddie Scanlan and Megan Lamont Com 360 Capie 4 May 2017 Best Buddies Mission for Inclusion  Recognizing the volunteer potential of college students, entrepreneur Anthony K. Shriver inspired and urged his university peers to collaborate and build friendships among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Shriver went on to become the Founder and Chairman...

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FUSE event sparks interactive fun downtown

May 4, 2017

PEORIA – During the FUSE event on April 29th, Bradley Interactive Media students presented their animations and video games to the public. And tucked in the back corner on the first floor of the Peoria Riverfront Museum next to the gift shop entrance, sat a unique pinball game. It could have easily gone unnoticed by...

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Gun Violence in America – 2023


Background It has been zero days since the last mass shooting occurred in the United States. According to the Gun Violence Archive, a not-for-profit...

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