Monthly Archives: December 2016

The Story of Elvis Dominguez

December 9, 2016



Elvis Dominguez


Peoria, IL.- The fifth Bradley baseball coach since 1921, Elvis Dominguez has had an incredible story on finding Bradley, making this program what it is today, and creating an atmosphere of winning and fun for the Braves.


Born in 1963 in the city of Cienfuegos, Cuba. Dominguez spent his early years in Cuba before his parents fled for the States. Dominguez was only 8 years old and knew nothing about America. “It was very overwhelming, but a huge relief knowing we were no longer in Cuba” Dominguez said. “I knew no English, and struggled a lot in school”.


Dominguez found a sanctuary in baseball. “That’s all we had in Cuba, when you turn 14 you are put into the military. So before then we all played baseball. It truly was our national past time.” Dominguez said. He put those talents to the use throughout his high school and college time. Dominguez was able to earn a scholarship to Creighton University. He played shortstop all four years.


The pros were always on Dominguez mind through out college. “I was on the 1983 USA Pan-American team. I basically carried Barry Larkin’s bags.” Dominguez said with a chuckle. Unfortunately, after his sophomore year Dominguez body began to break down and he was never the same player.


Coaching was never actually on the mind of the young college graduate. Dominguez was the first of his family to graduate college; he majored in secondary education and a minor in physiology. Dominguez originally planned on being a high school teacher and coach for a varsity level team. However in his final semester Dominguez was an assistant coach and fell in love with it. That took off his coaching career.


After serving as a full time assistant head coach at his alma mater Creighton, he moved to his first head-coaching job at Omaha Central High School for three years. After his three-year stint in the high school division, Dominguez returned to Creighton as an assistant, working as the infield coach and hitting instructor.


He spent five years coaching at Creighton before leaving for The University of Iowa. Where he worked as the infield and hitting coach again. “Everywhere I’ve been we’ve been categorized as a program builder.” Dominguez said. “Everywhere we’ve gone, we’ve elevated it, and then the next program wants you to do the same thing there.”


After Iowa, Dominguez moved to Eastern Kentucky, where he ended up playing his current team the Bradley Braves. At Eastern Kentucky he was able to build yet another winning team. The Eastern Kentucky Colonels in 2003 finished second nationally in steals, then in 2004 led the nation in batting average (.375) and doubles (137), and finished second nationally with a .551 slugging percentage.


The Bradley Braves officially hired Dominguez in 2008. In his eight years with the Braves Dominguez has had the most winningest program in the athletic department. He has led the team to its first NCAA regional appearance in over 40 years. Dominguez saw the potential to win at Bradley and he took that potential and continues to drive it forward. Dominguez in five of his eight years has led the Braves to an improved record.


Dominguez improved overall batting status over the 8 years.

Dominguez has always taken pride in making great baseball players, but even better men. “You coach for obvious reasons. You have a passion for the game. And you have a passion for your kids. Seeing them achieve their goals on and off the field is the best feeling ever.” Dominguez said. DJ Gasso has played under Dominguez for one full season. “He does a unbelievable job of talking and helping with things outside of baseball. He makes sure you are growing on the baseball field. But more importantly as a person.” DJ said.


The ERA (Earned Run Average) decreased tremendously.

Cody Carol, another player under Coach Dominguez who was on the 2015 playoff team that nearly made it to the college world series, said “He always said live in the moment, and have fun.” Dominguez has a passion for the game and always wants his players to have a passion for the game and enjoy every moment of it.


Elvis Dominguez has led an incredible turn around at Bradley University and has created an atmosphere of unity, family, and fun for the baseball Braves. With Dominguez at the helm, The Bradley Braves are looking to make another run at the College World Series.


The winning percentage of the Braves during there stretch with Dominguez

The Best Places To Visit In Peoria

December 8, 2016

Peoria is full of fun activities and attractions that will appeal to people of all different interests. From shopping to dining, there are a number of businesses within Peoria that provide entertainment and recreation to those who inhabit the city. For college students, going away to college can be stressful as they leave the...

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Going Hollywood

December 8, 2016

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Gun Violence in America – 2023


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